"Where Life Insurance Gets Lively"

"Where Life Insurance Gets Lively"

Posted on December 15th, 2023
Story by Joyce Grace

At Vandj Life, we don't just offer life insurance; we provide a backstage pass to the grand show of living benefits! Picture this – beyond the typical death benefit protection, we bring you features that turn your policy into a dynamic ally while you're alive and kicking.

Now, let's dive into the exquisite world of living benefits – a category of perks that lets you sip the sweetness of your life insurance policy while you're still breathing. We're not just talking about the basic ability to borrow from the cash value; we're talking about the real MVPs – the accelerated death benefits that steal the spotlight.

Why settle for the mundane when you can have the extraordinary? Vandj Life introduces you to the world of living benefits, making sure your policy isn't just paperwork but a powerhouse of possibilities.

Living Benefits: Where Life Meets Thriving

Living benefits, as the term suggests, are not your run-of-the-mill features. They're the VIP passes to accessing a chunk of your death benefit in advance – a financial magic trick that could make Houdini jealous. And with the U.S. population gracefully aging, these benefits are stealing the limelight, especially the rockstars known as accelerated death benefits.

Accelerated Death Benefits: A Symphony of Support

Now, here's where Vandj Life takes center stage. Our living benefits come with a critical injury rider, a gem that sets us apart from the rest. Imagine receiving a portion of your death benefit if you're struck by a serious illness – we're talking heart attacks, strokes, the whole shebang. It's not just protection; it's a financial safety net with a touch of brilliance.

Dazzling Types of Living Benefits

Our living benefits are not just a one-size-fits-all affair. We've got a variety show of riders that cater to your unique needs:

1. Terminal Illness: When life throws a curveball, and a terminal illness is on the horizon, Vandj Life steps in, offering an advance on your death benefits. It's like having a financial superhero by your side.

2. Critical Illness: Not every serious illness is terminal, but they sure can be life-altering. Vandj Life's critical illness rider kicks in to provide financial support when you need it most.

3. Chronic Illness: Life can throw chronic challenges your way. Vandj Life is here to help with an indemnity benefit that's as flexible as your needs. Qualify, receive, and navigate life with financial ease.

4. Critical Injury: Only with Vandj Life's carrier include critical injury coverage at no extra cost. Most carriers do not provide critical injury coverage. So why worry about the future when Vandj Life has your back? Our critical injury rider lets you dip into your death benefit to cover those qualifying critical injury needs. It's not just planning; it's living smart.

The Vandj Life Advantage: Wit Meets Wisdom

Our living benefits are not just about financial security; they're a statement. Jeffrey Rotman of Rotman & Associates sums it up perfectly: "Living benefits purchased as riders on life insurance policies offer great value in addition to the death benefit." We couldn't agree more – it's not just about facing life; it's about thriving in style.

Wit, Wisdom, and Beyond: Unraveling the Vandj Life Magic

To access the enchanting benefits, you need to qualify under the rider terms – a small feat for the savvy policyowner. The benefits could be paid out in a lump sum or monthly, depending on the policy's symphony of terms. And here's the real kicker – no income tax! Take a bow, Vandj, for making financial moves that are as tax-friendly as they are life-friendly.

Beyond the Limelight: Other Living Marvels

But wait, there's more! Vandj Life doesn't stop at accelerated death benefits. We've got a lineup of supporting acts that add a dash of magic to your policy:

- Waiver of Premium: Picture this as a backstage pass for your premiums. If life throws a curveball, and you find yourself totally disabled, we've got your premiums covered.

- Disability Credit: Vandj Life's got your back even in the face of disability. Some policies credit your account value with a monthly benefit if disability knocks on your door. It's not just a policy; it's a safety net.

Choose Vandj Life: Where Living Benefits Get the Applause

In the grand spectacle of insurance, Vandj Life steals the show with living benefits that are as witty as they are wise. Before you add any riders, consult with a financial maestro. Vandj Life doesn't just sell policies; we create financial symphonies that resonate with your unique needs. Your life insurance isn't just a piece of paper; it's a masterpiece in the making with Vandj Life.

Because tomorrow is not just a day; it's a stage where Vandj Life turns every moment into a showstopper!

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or Call | Text at (832) 885-2067 to set up a free comprehensive financial planning appointment. Opens Sundays through Thursdays 8AM to 5PM; Fridays 8AM to 12NN all available hours in Pacific Standard Time. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve financial security and peace of mind.

We look forward to helping you protect what matters most!

Send Me a Quotation

Living Life Defender IUL (life insurance+living benefits+cash accumulation+market crashes protection+IRS-approved tax-free advantage)

Whole Life (with living benefits)

Term Life (with Living benefits)

Annuities (with living benefits). 

In the form below, please provide your correct date of birth, gender and the current state you are residing. If you need a quote for your family, please specify their names along with their ages, genders and the state they are currently residing. We'll send you policy samples within 24 hours for your review. Vandj Life does not accept any payments.